Tuesday 12 March 2019


Reiki is an energy healing modality that works by moving and cleansing the energy in your body’s chakra system. By cleansing and re-circulating your energy, you’re essentially doing a reboot of your emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

If you’re new to Reiki, don’t worry. It’s a gentle process that makes you feel loved and clear. It often works over the course of a week or month after the session to help you see the choices that are best for you.

Because most of us didn’t grow up with Reiki or knowledge of the chakra system, it’s understandable that we don’t recognize the signs that it’s time to get a Reiki session. Often after we go through something stressful, it can help us to recover our energy because when we are stressed it uses up a lot of our life force energy or prana. Here are some of the things you may be experiencing that are indicators that it’s time to try Reiki cleansing.

1. You Feel Tired All The Time
Burnout can come from being energetically drained due to overwork or too much stress. It can also come from taking on other people’s energy - intentionally or otherwise. If you are around other people a lot during the week, you may be taking on the energy of their emotions, which can mess with your energetic equilibrium. If the people around you are carrying pain, anxiety, or negativity in general, it can leave you feeling drained and depleted.

Reiki can help in all of those situations. Regardless of why you’re lethargic, Reiki offers a breath of fresh air into your energetic ecosystem to wake you up again.

2. You Have Chronic Pain
If you suffer from a chronic pain disorder or if you’ve had an injury, the pain can be prolonged or worsened by energy blocks. Whether you’re suffering from an old injury, a new injury, or a full-blown chronic pain condition, Reiki healing can help ease some of the symptoms. Reiki harmonizes the energy inside and outside of your body that can allow you to live with more positive emotions which always positively affect your health. A certified Reiki Practitioner can target specific areas where energetic blocks are causing pain while also introducing new cleansing energy into your system.

3. You Feel Overwhelmed With Emotion
If you feel like your throat is tight, you’re constantly on the verge of crying, you’re overreacting, or not in control of your emotions, you could just be holding too much emotional energy in your body - and it might not even be yours. Let Reiki’s natural healing energy balance your emotional state so you don’t have to feel like you’re on a roller coaster. Reiki is great for those of you who define as HSPs - highly sensitive people. There’s nothing wrong with having strong emotions, but Reiki healing allows you to stay in control of yourself.

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